This information is provided for information only and must not be considered as investment advice. You should seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.

This site is intended for financial professional use only. 

Risk Profiler

An investor's financial affairs and objectives are likely to require human assessment which cannot be substituted with a system based approach. However, our risk profiler can help to assess the two elements of an investor's risk profile, the ability to take risk and the willingness to take risk. The profiler provides you with feedback, which can promote further discussion.

You can run the risk profiler for an investor if you would like to make the report available to them later through their documents view.

Risk Rated Report

Margetts Risk Rated reports are designed for an investor to explain and illustrate how a portfolio is created and managed in straight forward language.

You can run the risk profiler for an investor if you would like to make the report available to them later through their documents view.

Client Valuations

You can view and print valuations for your clients. You can make the report available to them later through their documents view.